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Janine Bürger


Board Director & Secretary

Janine has been working in the corporate sector for over 20 years, mainly in Controlling and Accounting for multinational companies. Currently, she works as the Director of Financial Planning & Analysis for eBay Global Markets in Switzerland. Janine strongly believes in equity and empowerment and provides mentoring for women around the world - both within and outside of her role at eBay.

One of Healing Together's first and longest supporters, Janine volunteered with our former partner, Maisha, in 2014. Through this experience as well as through extensive travels throughout Africa, she got to see firsthand both the devastating long term impact of colonization as well as the positive long term impact of local, grassroots community change. As a result, her passion lies in ensuring that the most under-served communities around the world have access to education and resources to heal.

Janine strives to find the light in nearly every person and situation, and loves to share her positive energy and drive to make the world a little bit better every day.

Janine joined our board in January 2020.

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