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Our Work
Our work is rooted in mental healthy equity, Healing Justice & Transformative Justice, and is led by, with, and for communities that are disproportionately impacted by systemic violence and oppression.

These sessions have provided me with so much knowledge! I have added A LOT to my toolbox and feel more prepared to love myself, heal and equipped to continue to do inner work. Your work is truly life changing.
Bay Area, USA

​Leaders trained in trauma-informed mental health and community resilience

Number of organizations trained across 28 countries

Lives impacted by our workshops and programs worldwide

Of participants report they now have skills and confidence to support trauma survivors
Your way of delivering is outstanding. The more people you can train, the better the world will be.
School Principal,

Our Partners
Our work lives and breathes in community
and would not be possible without the support of our partners.
Global & Local Workshop Partners
Funding & In-Kind Support
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